Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Gift for the World

                    A Gift for the World

On the day he was born,
            the family smiled and danced!
His heart beat so fast,
            and a new song played for the world.

When he was three, he made everyone laugh
            with his funny phrases
            and jokes he didn’t even understand.
He shared from his heart,
            and joy was released into the lives
            of all those around him.

He began school and failed to leave
            his creative spirit safely at home.
His heart and mind struggled to beat freely,
            so, his mom broke the chains,
            and the boy soared to the beat
            of his own heart.

In 6th grade, the boy fell in love with music.
            He sang and began to write down the songs
            that flowed so effortlessly from deep within.
            The world applauded.

During his high school years, many things changed.
            The boy became a man;
            the tenor, a bass;
            the young man, a gentleman.
His heart was drawn to the world of travel,
            seeking new friends and adventures
            in faraway lands.
He sang new songs, learned new languages, and
            made forever friends wherever he went,
            but his heart was still heavy.
The young man had always wondered why
he saw and felt things differently than others did.
He was troubled.
He’d never chosen to walk against the tides of life,
but he must find his own path and destiny.

So, he searched his heart
 and the lives and hearts of all he met.
He prayed for answers that didn’t quickly come.
He wrestled with emotions, fears,
            and all he’d learned at home, school, and at church.

What he found opened up a new, unique path for his life,
            of which he’d never dreamed,
            and the heaviness disappeared.
God revealed to him the gifts he had and must share:
            gifts of love, joy, compassion;
            songs of hope and freedom to create masterpieces;
            the brilliance to learn languages
           and love people of all races, creeds, and cultures,
            because God first loved him.
And the young man wrote:
            “All that I am is because of what God has made me.”

Andy Garrett, you are a very precious gift to the world.
You know who you are and what you believe.
Take your gifts and genius and make this world
a better place for having you in it!

                                              Love, MomJ